Auto Immune Disorders
Ayurveda Yogashram
Auto Immuno Diseases
Cell is the basic unit of life , it performs important functions in the body . cells make new cells by division and replace old dead cells . But in case of cancer cells divide abnormally and start growing uncontrollably which may spread to side by tissue , blood or lymph . These cells when collectively form a mass then called as tumor.
Tumor is of two type
Benign tumor – it is type of abnormal cell growth which is confined to one place only , it will not spread to other body parts.
Malignant tumor – it is the type of abnormal cell growth which will spread to other part of body.
Tumor is of two type
Benign tumor – it is type of abnormal cell growth which is confined to one place only , it will not spread to other body parts.
Malignant tumor – it is the type of abnormal cell growth which will spread to other part of body.
Below are some of the Auto Immune Disorders
Click on Below links for more information and treatments

Multiple Cancer

Advance Cancer


HIV Care

Motor Neuron Disease




Weight Loss



Low Immunity

Anti Aging Treatment


Dark Circles & Wrinkles
