Amaldoshari Plus
Amaldoshari Plus

Amaldoshari is a herbal medicine for Gerd ,Hyperacidity,Peptic Ulcer,Gastritis,Gastric Ulcer,Stomatitis,Suppress the elevated pitta.
Why Amaldohari Plus-
It acts as an antacid, carminative and appetiser that gives relief from acidity.It can prove very beneficial in treating acid reflux diseases. It helps in the treatment of dyspepsia, gastritis and acid peptic disorders. It also proved very beneficial in treating loss of appetite.
Ayurvedic concept-
Amaldoshari helps in balancing pitta dosha in the body thus helps in curing hyperacidity and other problems. It basically helps in rechan of pitta from the body , improves jathra-agni (metabolism). By doing all this it also balances vata dosha in body
- Glycyrrhiz Glabra-Accumulating lines of evidence show that licorice has anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-microbial effects . In particular, recent studies on hepatoprotective effects of licorice suggest that it can reduce liver injury by enhancing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity
- Terminalia Chebula-chebula responsible for the antimicrobial activity especially on gastrointinal mucosa as in broader way microbial biocompatibility to include all of the mechanical, physiological, immunological, cytological, and biochemical responses of the human body.
- Terminalia Belerica-Terminalia bellerica is used to protect the liver and to treat respiratory conditions, including respiratory tract infections, cough, and sore throat. Terminalia chebula is used for dysentery.
- Emblica Officinalis-Eating amla is very beneficial to keep the liver healthy. This flushes out toxins present in the body and keeps the liver healthy. Amla also reduces hyperlipidemia and metabolic syndrome. Amla is considered the best fit for people with fatty liver.
- Cyprus Rotundus-The Hexane Fraction of cyperus rotundus Prevents Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Through the Inhibition of Liver X Receptor α-Mediated Activation of Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein-1c.
- Calcined Cowries-Kapardak Bhasma (also known as Kapardika Bhasma, Cowrie Bhasma, Varatika Bhasma, & Kaudi Bhasma) is an ayurvedic calcined preparation used in abdominal diseases like abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, duodenal ulcer and loss of appetite or poor appetite, intestinal gas.
- Oyster Shell-Oyster shell powder plays an essential role in liver health. It improves overall liver functioning and aids in liver detoxification. It helps in enhancing physical strength of human body and in the recovery of physical and mental fatigue.
- Calx Of Conch Shall- Shankh Bhasma is used for treating diarrhoea (loose stools), acne, pimples, liver enlargement (hepatomegaly), splenomegaly.
Benefits of Amaldoshari Plus-
- Hyperacidity
- Peptic Ulcer
- Gastritis
- Gastric Ulcer
- Stomatitis
- Suppress the elevated pitta
Why should you have it –
If you have-
- Acid reflux
- Pain in abdomen after meal
- Gastric problem
- Slow metabolism
- Low appetite
- Diagnosed with gastric and peptic ulcers
Foods to Avoid:
In all types of doshas (humors) avoid excess acidic & spicy food, alcohol & smoking. Junk food, chilled water and cold soft drinks should be strictly avoided. Excess use of pickles is not beneficial. Non-vegetarian diet should be restricted. (According to Ayurveda meat from sea foods is also considered non-vegetarian diet).
Testimonials for Amaldoshari Plus:
Mrs. Rani from Amritsar district came at Ayurvedayogashram for the treatment of Gastric ulcer & pancreatitis . She was loosing weight day by day and having Hb only 6.5 gm . No intake at all . After our treatment of Ayurveda, Panchkarma and Yoga for 3 months , she is completely fit with 10.2 gm Hb and no nausea, vomiting at all.
1 cap.x BD or prescribed by doctor