AZ Tiktan
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A special product that is a must for all types of Psoriasis, eczema, skin allergies, and blood-related disorders.
Why AZ Tiktan
It possesses so many medicinal properties, antipruritic, demulcent, depurative (purifies blood), neuro-protective, and –inflammatory, this ayurvedic medicine has potent use in managing skin problems like in psoriasis, and eczema it reduces inflammation and provides cooling effects. It is good for non-healing wounds.
Ayurvedic Concept-
- It balances the vata and kapha dosha, thus curing vata and kapha-related skin disorders .
- It also balances the pitta by purifying the blood .
- Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu- is beneficial for overall health and the immune system. It is a good blood purifier and helps in treating acne and rashes. It helps with eyesight and prevents eye issues like glaucoma.
- Melia azadirachta- azedarach is well known for its medicinal uses. Its various parts have antihelmintic, antimalarial, caxthartic, emetic and emmenagogic properties and are also used to treat skin diseases.
- Chalmongra oil- Chaulmoogra is an herb. People use the seed to make medicine. Despite serious safety concerns, people put chaulmoogra powder, oil, emulsion, or ointment on the skin to treat skin problems including psoriasis and eczema. Chaulmoogra is given intravenously (by IV) for leprosy.
- Bakuchi oil-, is useful in infections as it inhibits the growth of fungi and bacteria due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties. It also prevents inflammation on the skin due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, it helps to manage problems like vitiligo, boils, and skin eruptions.
- Chopchini- Chopchini helps manage diabetes by enhancing insulin secretion due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Gandhaka Rasayana- Gandhaka Rasayana (GR) is an important herbo-mineral drug used in Ayurveda as a Rasayana (rejuvenator) drug. It is extensively used in a wide range of clinical conditions such as skin diseases, as an appetizer, in respiratory disorders, arthritis, allergies, pain symptoms, bladder disorder, diabetes, and cough.
- Kali mirch- It aids in digestion and helps in weight loss by improving the metabolism of the body.
- Jaiphala- Nutmeg (Jaiphal) can help to reduce inflammation and irritation of the skin, promote hydration and a smooth appearance, as well as reduce the signs and marks from pox, boils, and acne. It has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties and helps to remove blackheads, treat acne and clogged pores
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Urticaria
- Fungal infection
- Inflammatory conditions
- Dandruff
Why should you have
If you have
- Dandruff
- Itching
- Diagnosed with psoriasis, eczema