Reno +

Description - These herbs are used for increasing the vitality of the liver, spleen, and kidney. It is also used to increase urine output. So it is also used for heart failure cases.
Ayurvedic concept – These herbs are immunomodulator herbs and in Ayurvedic terminology, they are rasayanas rejuvenating) i.e. they maintain the balance between all the doshas (humor) and also clarify all the srotas (body channels) through which nutrients are supplied. Due to the proper functioning of srotas (body channels), doshas (humor) remain in their proper amount i.e. the samavastha (balanced condition).
Indications :
- Liver problems
- Kidney problems
- Spleen problems
- Anemia
- It is best used for increasing the hemoglobin in the body
- A herbal best supplement for increasing the filtration power of the kidney tonic.
- Herbal support to the liver and thus it is used for hepatitis.
- Best used to increase the immune system of the body.
- Punarnava (BoerhaviaDiffusa):- It has been used in medicine especially for ayurvedic medicine. It offers the best treatment for all health problems. It is very effective for patients with diabetes, heart failure, and women’s problems. It is extremely good for liver problems preventing infection in the body. It acts as the best herbal remedy for urinary tract infections. One of the popularly known benefits of punarnava is its fight against obesity.
- Gokhur (Tribulus Terrestris):- Gokhru (Gokshura): It is widely used in ayurvedic medicine to deal with kidney problems and urinary problems. It is very beneficial for sexual problems. It is the best herbal supplement for asthma, cold, edema and helps to reduce the pain while passing urine.
- Cratevia nurvals- it is recommended by the Ayurveda in the treatment of various urinary problems including stones in kidney, ureters and bladder. Brief investigations on Varuna suggest it for its urinary, antiseptic and litholytic (stone breaking) actions.
- Commiphor mukul- Guggul comes from the resin of the Commiphora mukul, a small thorny tree that is known as the tree of myrrh. People in India have used it for thousands of years as an herbal medicine. Guggul has anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties and is being explored as a potential cancer fighter
Foods to Avoid
In all types of doshas (humor) avoid excess acidic & spicy food, alcohol & smoking. Junk food, chilled water, and cold soft drinks should be strictly avoided. Excess use of pickles is not beneficial. The non-vegetarian diet should be restricted. (According to Ayurveda meat from seafood is also considered a non-vegetarian diet).GMP & ISO Certified Manufacturing Facility: Laboratory tested for quality purity and heavy metal standards.No preservatives or artificial colors.