HIV Healer Kit
Regular price
Rs. 8,800.00

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that directly attacks the human's body immune system, specifically the white blood cells called CD4 cells and makes a person more vulnerable to other kinds of harmful infections and diseases. It is a very dangerous disease; if not treated can lead to AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). At Svasthvida, we provide complete ayurvedic treatment for HIV/AIDS in Pune with effective results & no side effects.AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is the last stage of HIV infection. AIDS occurs in the human body when HIV badly damages the body's immune system. Without getting HIV medicine, people with AIDS hardly survive for about three years. When somebody has a hazardous opportunistic illness, life expectancy without treatment tumbles to around one year. Due to the availability of medicine, Most people with HIV don't develop AIDS. But a person with HIV is deemed to have progressed with AIDS when: The number of that human's CD4 cells falls below 200 cells per cubic millimetre of blood (200 cells/mm3). A human with a good immunity system counts CD4 cells between 500 and 1,600 cells/mm3. That Human develops more than one optimistic infection rather than low CD4 counts.
Why HIV Healer Kit
We divide the treatment part into three phases:
1. In the first three months we focus on CD4 cells. We increase the count of CD4 cells with our herbal supplements.
2. In the second phase, next three months, we focus on decreasing the viral load.
3. In the next third phase, we focus on increasing the immune system of the body.