SLE Healer Kit

SLE Healer Kit

Regular price Rs. 8,350.00 Sale

Category: Combo Kits

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Description -

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE/Lupus) is an autoimmune disease. Normally, the immune system helps to protect our body from many bad things like infections and cancer.
In autoimmune diseases like lupus, one’s own immune system starts attacking its own body. It can occur at any age(mostly 15 to 45 years but can occur in children too). It is seen more in women than in men.

Ayurvedic concept

Ayurveda explains Lupus as a stubborn disorder. According to Ayurveda Lupus occurs because of an imbalance of the three doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha that leads to disturbance in all the Dhatus (tissues) including Skin (Twak), Rasa Dhatu, Rakta Dhatu, and Mamsa Dhatu. The vata is the main culprit from the three doshas and Dushayas are Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa dhatus, and Twak.

Benefits of SLE kit-

It helps to 

  • Relief rashes 
  • Pain
  • Swelling 
  • Fever
  • Ulcers (on the mouth, tongue )
  • Headache, seizures, 
  • Kidney problems (normalize creatinine, urea ).



Lifestyle and Diet 

  • A patient who is suffering from Lupus must keep his diet healthy and well-balanced including fruits, fresh salads, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Avoid oily, spicy or greasy, frozen, and non-veg foods.
  • Drinking lots of water flushes out toxins and pathogens from the body.
  • Take plenty of rest and sleep.
  • Avoid suspected allergens and chemicals.
  • Protection from ultraviolet radiations of the sun by covering all the exposed parts of the body.
  • Smoking should be avoided and limit the use of alcohol as it aggravates the condition.
  • Regular exercises or Yoga and meditation keep your body healthy.


  • Immuno Plus

Packing: 60 Tablets

Dosage: 1-0-1

  • AZ-Nephro

Packing: 90 capsules

Dosage: 1-1-1

  • Immuno Plus Gold

Packing: 30 capsules

Dosage: 1 cap/day

Immuno Plus
Packing: 60 Tablets

Dosage: 1-0-1

Packing: 90 capsules

Dosage: 1-1-1

Immuno Plus Gold
Packing: 30 capsules

Dosage: 1 cap/day

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