Herpes Healer Kit
Regular price
Rs. 14,485.63

Herpes zoster is a viral skin infection though uncommon in childhood can be caused by the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus due to lower immunity. This clinical entity can be compared with Visarpa (~vesicular or bullous eruptions). Visarpa is a clinical syndrome in which vitiated Vata-Pitta dosha along with vitiated Rakta (~blood plasma) causes progressive skin lesions, which are painful and look like scalds or burns.
Why This Herpes Healer Kit
Medicines in this kit help in the purification of blood, thus balancing pitta dosha in the body, and relieving rashes, pain, itching, and fever. it also helps to increase the overall body’s immunity. It also helps in the detoxification of the body and liver.
- Include gourd vegetables like bitter and ridged gourds, Drumstick (Sargava), Spinach leaves (Paalakh), Prickly Amaranth (Tandalaja), Coriander leaves (dhania) in your diet
- Have fruits like pomegranates, grapes, and amla
- Hydrate adequately - coconut water may be good
- Include cereals like rice flakes, puffed rice, popped jowar, and popcorn
- Have all pulses except urad dal,
- Avoid acidic food and fruits, vinegar, and yogurt
- Avoid alcoholic beverages
- Adequate personal hygiene should be maintained
- Avoid sexual intimacy and kissing during periods of infection
- Avoid wearing tight undergarments
- Avoid sleeping during the day particularly immediately after a meal
- Destress with music and a friendly environment to distract from pain and negate anger and anxiety