Herpes Healer Kit
Regular price
Rs. 4,550.00

Herpes zoster is a viral skin infection though uncommon in childhood can be caused by the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus due to lower immunity. This clinical entity can be compared with Visarpa (~vesicular or bullous eruptions). Visarpa is a clinical syndrome in which vitiated Vata-Pitta dosha along with vitiated Rakta (~blood plasma) causes progressive skin lesions, which are painful and look like scalds or burns.
Why this herpes healer kit –
Medicines in this kit basically help in the purification of blood, thus balancing pitta dosha n the body, and relieving rashes, pain, itching, and fever. it also helps to increase the overall body’s immunity. It also helps in the detoxification of the body and liver.
- It is a combination of all those herbs having wonderful action on herpes.
- It is having anti-viral properties and is a good blood purifier.
- It provides relief from swelling, itching, and burning of the skin.
- It contains potent antioxidants which eliminate toxins from the body and boost immunity.
- It manages all types of pain and symptoms caused by herpes virus.
- Include gourd vegetables like bitter and ridged gourds, Drumstick (Sargava), Spinach leaves (Paalakh), Prickly Amaranth (Tandalaja), Coriander leaves (dhania) in your diet
- Have fruits like pomegranates, grapes, and amla
- Hydrate adequately - coconut water may be good
- Include cereals like rice flakes, puffed rice, popped jowar, and popcorn
- Have all pulses except urad dal,
- Avoid acidic food and fruits, vinegar, and yogurt
- Avoid alcoholic beverages
- Adequate personal hygiene should be maintained
- Avoid sexual intimacy and kissing during periods of infection
- Avoid wearing tight undergarments
- Avoid sleeping during the day particularly immediately after a meal
- Destress with music and a friendly environment to distract from pain and negate anger and anxiety
Caricuma Plus
Blood Cleaner
AZ Tiktan