Polycystic Kidney Kit
Regular price
Rs. 9,130.00

Polycystic kidney disease or PKD is a genetic disorder characterized by the development of clusters of cysts in the Kidneys. Cysts are fluid-filled, non-cancerous, and round sacs that interfere with the ability of the kidneys to filter waste products from our blood. As the cyst grows. It changes the shape of the kidneys. With time, the kidneys enlarge; lose their function and lead to kidney failure.
Ayurvedic concept
These herbs are immunomodulator herbs and in Ayurvedic terminology, they are rasayanas rejuvenating) i.e. they maintain the balance between all the doshas (humour) and also clarify all the srotas (body channels) through which nutrients are supplied. Due to the proper functioning of srotas (body channels), doshas (humour) remain in their proper amount i.e. the samavastha (balanced condition).
1. It helps in reducing cysts in the kidney and repairs it
2. It helps in improving immunity and promotes healing
3. We have to decrease the blood urea by natural methods
4. We have to decrease the serum creatinine by Ayurveda.
5. We have to increase the eGFR with the help of our four natural products.
6. We have to decrease the ascites ( the excess fluid present in the belly).
7. We have to increase the immune system of nephrons which are the unit particles of the kidney.
8. We also work on enhancing the immune system of the body.
9. We have to increase the diuresis action with natural herbs.
Foods to Avoid
In all types of doshas (humour) avoid excess acidic & spicy food, alcohol & smoking. Junk food, chilled water, and cold soft drinks should be strictly avoided. Excess use of pickles is not beneficial. The non-vegetarian diet should be restricted. (According to Ayurveda meat from seafood is also considered a non-vegetarian diet).GMP & ISO Certified Manufacturing Facility: Laboratory tested for quality purity and heavy metal standards preservatives or artificial colours.