Protein Urea Healer Kit
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Rs. 9,130.00

Most people notice bubbles in their urine when they pee right after getting up in the morning. Sometimes discerning frothy urine can be a sign of the overproduction of proteins by the body, but in most cases, it signifies some renal disorder. People with proteinuria may have more than enough amount of protein in their urine, which makes the urine look like a scrambled egg.
Ayurvedic concept
These herbs are immunomodulator herbs and in Ayurvedic terminology, they are rasayanas rejuvenating) i.e. they maintain the balance between all the doshas (humour) and also clarify all the srotas (body channels) through which nutrients are supplied. Due to the proper functioning of srotas (body channels), doshas (humour) remain in their proper amount i.e. the samavastha (balanced condition).
These herbs are used to increase the vitality of the liver, spleen, and kidney. It is also used to increase urine output. So it is also used for heart failure cases.
- It Includes all herbs that prevent protein leakage
- It repairs the Bowman capsule of the kidney nephron from which protein is passing out
- it restores kidney function
- Eliminate extra fluid from the body
- Helps in the restoration of GFR glomerular filtration rate
- Boost up healing capacity by working on immunity
- Increasing the amount of barley in your diet helps to dry up extra fat.
- With the combination of turmeric and cinnamon, one can benefit from early-stage diabetes, which also causes proteinuria.
- Mix honey with Ayurvedic plants such as gokshura, gudmar, Triphala, musta, cardamom, fenugreek, or coriander.
- Add more grains such as rice, millet, and wheat to your diet.
- Pulses, including green gram, horse gram, and adhaki (arahar), are beneficial for patients with renal illness.
- Green banana, chaulee, dwarf copperleaf (matsyakhshi), methi (fenugreek leaves), bitter gourd, Parawal, Kunduru, and Lauki are a few examples of vegetables that can be consumed, along with bitter and astringent leafy vegetables.
- Include low-sugar fruits like papaya, orange, watermelon, apple, jambu, kapitha, amla, and other fruits.
- Oils from soybeans, nuts, and mustard might be advantageous.
- On an empty stomach, karela juice or white pumpkin 20–30 ml may be helpful.
- Have methi seeds soaked in water overnight regularly.
- Avoid eating too much urad (black gram), rajma (kidney beans), rice, potatoes, ghee, butter, fat, normal oil, fermented food, alcohol, and other heavy foods.