Urticaria Healer Kit
Urticaria or hives occurs as a part of the reactivity of the immune system marked by excessive histamine secretion, redness, and severe itching. But the cause of urticaria is multifactorial. Some urticarial responses start from cold (cold urticaria) heat (solar urticaria) friction urticaria ( from rubbing while seated) contact with certain metals (while wearing watches). It also develops during viral infections, otitis media, in a broad disease Association of hives. In ancient Ayurvedic classics, urticaria is described into categories (udarda) where itching is dominant with Kapha dosha (humor) more morbid, and (shita pitta) where kapha and Pitta both are morbid with observable redness and dermographism. Allergies are wrong responses of the body to certain morbidities whether physical or chemical often it is an auto-response. Although autosomal dominant inheritance plays a role in allergies, gene-environment interaction counts.
Why this urticaria healer kit-
This kit helps in the detoxification of the body and the purification of blood. these herbs help to improve digestion or jathra agni so that toxins (ama) will not accumulate in the body or skin tissues. thus relieving rashes, itching, and pain. It balances pitta and kapha dosha.
This kit relief
- Itching
- Rashes
- Burning sensation, pricking sensation
- Feverish feeling
The most common foods that cause hives are nuts, chocolate, fish, tomatoes, eggs, fresh berries, soy, wheat, and milk. Fresh foods cause hives more often than cooked foods.
Detoxy Plus
Packing: 90 Tablets
Dosage: 1-1-1
- AZ-Allergan
Packing: 90 capsules
Dosage: 1-1-1
- Blood Cleaner